Monday, July 23, 2012

The Night of the Bass

It has been an interesting week fishing on the Looking Glass River.  One night, I went fishing, and some girls told me that there were not any fish in the Looking Glass and that I would not catch anything.  Those girls were wrong about there not being any fish in the river, but right that I would not catch anything.  Spoon fed pike again!

Two days later, I went fishing with my Grandma.  I think that Grandma must be a good luck charm, because I caught four good-size small mouth bass.  Two were sixteen inches long!

Then, on July 22, I was back at the Looking Glass.  While I was fishing, I caught a small bluegill and it put it on my hook and threw it back out.  Almost immediately, a huge 17-inch bass took the bait!  That's the fish you see above.  He was a little bloody, and I wondered if he might have been attacked by a pike.

Also, I caught a fish I did not know existed in the Looking Glass.  It was quite a cool find for me. I caught a largemouth bass!  And Dad says Lansing is the home of the large mouth!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Return to DeWitt!

Meanwhile, back in DeWitt, the big pike are around!

During my July 9 visit to the Looking Glass, I caught two pike, a 33-inch and a 24-inch.

For bait, I used bass/walleye minnows  We saw another big pike today, but I don't think it was The General.  This fish had the girth, but The General has a few more inches on him.  A lot of the pike I saw Monday were spoon-fed.  I have noticed that some of the bigger pike are smart and they will not go after any lure.  I am trying to figure out ways to catch these two huge pike.

Fishing Up North

During the week of the Fourth of July, my dad and I went Up North.  We stayed at Jack's Landing on Fletcher's Pond, which is near Alpena.  The reason we went there is because last year, a huge pike broke my pole.  Dad and I got a boat, and we went out to find that pike!

But we did not find that pike.  We spent 70 bucks on a boat, and all we caught were a bunch of panfish!

To see big pike, we needed to go back to DeWitt to go to the Looking Glass River.  Along the way, we stopped at the state fish hatchery in Oden, not too far from Petoskey.  They have a viewing chamber where you can look under the water and see fish in their natural habitat in a stream.  They also have a big pond with retired breeding trout who are fed by school kids and anyone else who might come along.  I encourage everyone visiting northern Michigan this summer to visit the fish hatchery in Oden.