Sunday, July 19, 2015

Helping Out

This past week, I was fortunate to be able to help out No More Sidelines with a special fishing event.  No More Sidelines is a great group here in mid-Michigan that helps kids with a variety of challenges and disabilities.

Throughout the day, I helped kids by casting, reeling in fish, untangling lines, fixing gear, and overall just helping catch fish.  I thought it was great that so many kids could get out and do some fishing, and I hope they get hooked on it!

Toward the end of the day, I helped a kid catch the biggest fish of the event and win a fishing pole.  The fish was a respectable 18-1/2 bass.  We baited our line, and we cast it into an area where we had seen a big bass.  It wasn't long before we had a hit!  I helped the kid reel in the bass and we grabbed it.  It was great to see another kid get to have so much fun doing something I enjoy doing so much!

I ask everyone to look for volunteer opportunities like No More Sidelines so we can help any kid who wants to get involved with fishing get the chance!

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