Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Longest Day of Fishing, 2013

People who read Whopper in the Water know that I call the Saturday closest to the first day of summer the "Longest Day of Fishing."  During that day, my dad and I spend almost the whole day fishing, starting at 6:00 in the morning and going until after 9:00 at night.  Some of the highlights from this year included fishing along the Grand River in Grand Ledge at Island Park.  When we first arrived, we noticed many splashes coming from the water.  I got really excited, and wondered what was under the surface.  But before I even put a line in, my eyes saw something in the shallow water;  it was a soft shell turtle!  I was surprised to see a soft shell turtle, because usually they are found in sandy areas, and where I was fishing was a little rocky.  

After I took pictures, I got back to fishing.  The nicest fish I caught at Grand Ledge was a 14-inch small mouth bass, which took a 4-inch gold shiner on a float.  The bass put up one of the best fights I have had all year.  The bass jumped out of the water three times and swam like crazy.

When we finished our trip to Grand Ledge, we took a break and headed over to Sleepy Hollow State Park near Ovid, MI, in the evening.  I went to Sleepy Hollow, expecting to catch large mouth bass, but, instead, I caught two channel catfish.

The fist catfish was 13 inches long and the second 11 inches long.  I was very happy to catch them, as they were the first channel cats I have ever caught.  In the picture, you will see I am wearing gloves because channel catfish have very sharp pectoral and dorsal fins.  Anglers will want to handle  catfish with care, as many can transmit a mild venom that creates a burning sensation.

2013 is the first Longest Day of Fishing in several years that I have not caught a pike.  My favorite pike waters, the Looking Glass River in DeWitt, are still flooded, and my usual pike fishing spot was not accessible.  But when those waters go down, those pike need to be wary.  Joseph will be back!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Urban Fishing

On Saturday, June 8, I planned to go fishing early with my Dad.  We first visited the Looking Glass in DeWitt, but it was flooded, so we decided to try the Grand River.  Fishing in downtown Lansing, just a couple of blocks from the state Capitol, my hopes weren't high.  For about half of our fishing trip, I didn't even have a nibble, but then, I finally got a bite!  A 13-inch small mouth bass hammered my minnow.

A few minutes after releasing the bass, I could tell I had another big fish on my line.  A second small mouth bass, bigger than the last, was putting up a titanic fight and was running to structure like a bobcat with a burr under its tail!  This second fish was a 17-inch small mouth.

I was on my last minnow for the day and had a five-minute warning from my dad when I felt another tug on my line.  I was surprised to land my favorite fish, the northern pike.  Although it was only 18 inches long, the fish meant a lot to me because it was my first pike of 2013.

Don't let the fact that you are in a city fool you.  There is good fishing in downtown Lansing!